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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Organization concerns that I have tables, I am wondering where the kids will put essentials. Also, trying to figure out where to keep the book boxes. Any suggestions? How are things going for you?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Student Notebook

I am still pumped up about this Daily 5 program!  Now I am reflecting on organizational tools.  In the past I've always had the students use folders.  Well...this past year we used them so frequently that we were constantly changing folders.  It was A LOT to transfer over!  Now I am thinking about having two 1" binders for each student.  One binder will be kept in the "book box," and the other binder will be their "take home" binder.  Since I've decided to do a "Hollywood" theme for the year, the "take home" binder will be the "Popcorn" binder:  Practical Organization & Parent Communication:  Ongoing Responsibility Nightly!" Now...before you start thinking that my creative mind came up with that....NOT.  Look at the Teacher Clubhouse website! ( ) How awesome!  The "book box" binder will be the S.T.A.R. binder:  Students Taking Academic Responsibility.  Within these two binders, students will find writing and reading resources.  What else should be in the binders?  Do you think 1" will be enough?  What are you going to do?  Binders or folders?  Let me know your thoughts....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Read to Self

I think I will break down the posts into different topics from the Daily 5 and Cafe book. Let's start with Read to Self. I just don't see read to self as a rotation. In my opinion, it will be too distracting for quite a few students to concentrate if they are trying to read independently while others are reading to someone or completing word work. I might have everyone do read to self at the same time. Then they may choose one of the other 4 components later in the day. What are your thoughts? Let me know what other pressing topics you think we should discuss!


General Comments

After reading Daily 5 and Cafe, I can't wait to begin in the fall. (However, I want to enjoy my summer too! ) It is a bit overwhelming though. I thought we could share thoughts and wisdom on this blog. For those of you who have tried Daily 5, could you please share ideas that worked and those that didn't work? What general comments do you have about this program? Do you see yourself using all components or just bits and pieces? Looking forward to your thoughts about this program.
